Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Father's Rights

In a society where women are the primary custodial parent of the children , we as the mother's of the children should try to do everything that is possible to encourage communication between the fathers and their children. Unless there is a direct threat to the safety of the child , it would be the best interest of the child to get to know his father.
Under family law because the mothers are the custodial parent, the father's have to pay huge financial support. This would be great if the father had equal rights to the child. This is not the case. Most father's who have visitation are still at the beck and call of the mothers. Some mothers will not even honor the visitation rights of the father. There are fathers who have spent a lot of money for lawyers to fight the system.
Father's rights is a movement which started in the 1970's. Men were being punished by the system because of divorce, unwed parenthood, and gender bias.The movement was started due to unfair practices of the courts. Men are now in the position due to the movement to become active roles in their children's lives. They are taking on shared parenting and even sole custody instead of just child support being paid.

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